
Meet the Brood, Part I

Here's a Story
Of a Lovely Lady
Who is bringing up three very Lovely Girls
Two of them have Hair of Gold,
Mom's is Clairol
The oldest one's is Brown

Here's a Story
of that Lovely Lady
Who is busy with one son of her own
He's the Sole Male;
There's no Prince Charming,
Unless you count our Frog.

People see this Lovely Lady with her Children,
And they say that they have much more than a hunch
That this Lady with four children must be Patient -
Lady snorts and says, "This ain't the Brady Bunch!"

We're Krysta's Brood
We're Krysta's Brood
We're a wo-man, three girls, and one Small Dude!


P.S. We also have our babysitter Ace, who lives with us and who, in this analogy, would be the equivalent of Alice the Housekeeper - except that she's about 3 decades younger and never wears an apron or lace-up Granny Shoes.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to hearing about the wacky antics which will inevitably ensue!
