
Today was supposed to be Pumpkin Farm Day for me and the kids. Before I went out this morning, leaving the kids with Ace, I informed the little Anklebiters that two things had to happen by the time I got back: 1. Rooms had to be picked up, and 2. All kids had to be good listeners for Ms. Ace. If I got back a bad report on even one kid, Pumpkin Farm Day would have to be cancelled. Four little heads nodded solemnly.

Fast forward to lunchtime, and Ms. Ace's Morning Report. Two kids got a thumbs down.

I was so bummed. I'd been looking forward to Pumpkin Farm Day at least as much as them.

In the past year, I've gone from being a Homeschooling Mama to missing out on 35 hours of their week. Add in the weekends they spend with their dad, and you get one mom with Serious Kid Withdrawl.

Even when they are home, they don't necessarily want to spend every waking moment with Mom. They're no longer the Little Extensions of Mommy they were as infants and preschoolers. This is right and healthy. But it's left me feeling a little lost, now that they don't need me 24/7 anymore.

So when they didn't meet the requirements for Pumpkin Farm Day,it was so very tempting to give into their pleas that I take them anyway.

I told them, "I have to keep my word to you and cancel the trip." The two "good girls" cried -especially M&M, who had actually cleaned her brother's room in an attempt to keep Pumpkin Farm Day going. But everyone accepted it.

I hope that, by keeping my word to them today, I've built their trust of me and their understanding that actions have consequences.

I also hope that the weather's good tomorrow. I'm taking them to the Pumpkin Farm, good behavior or no.

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