
The 1st Annual 39th Birthday Bash

In a few short months I will reach the landmark age of 39, at which point I can no longer claim to be in my mid-30's.

Since the jolt of leaping suddenly from my mid-30's to 40 seems too abrupt, I thought I'd ease the transition somewhat, by hosting Krysta's 1st Annual 39th Birthday Bash.

Krysta's 2nd Annual 39th Birthday Bash will be held a year and two months from now.

I'm looking for ideas for a fabulous 39th Birthday Bash, and I'd be thrilled beyond words if you would post any suggestions that happen to pop into your brains.

Some ideas I've already ruled out:
1. Karaoke. I'm a HUGE Karaoke fan, but I don't drink, and somehow those two facts don't seem to mesh together well.

2. Inflatable Bouncy Things: After 4 kids, bouncing in any sort of a public venue is out, because at this point I am not willing to wear Depends anywhere, much less to my own birthday party.

Oh, and I should mention that I'm a tightwad who is saving ferociously for a down payment on a house - so the Big Budget Party will have to wait awhile.

That's it. Any ideas out there?


  1. I celebrate every part of life with food...so you should definitely include something edible...Other than that I have no clue... I dont get out much HA!

  2. I agree with Jana... celebrate with food of some kind.. and I also don't get out much. Case in point. I was at my local pool where I swim on Monday nights, and there was lightning so they made everyone get out. I was so excited at the adventure, my instructor looked at me and said, "wow you really don't get out much do you?" and she was right... I don't.

  3. I think celebrations feel more celebratory when there are lots of people involved (approximately 2 too many for the space at hand). And food feels celebratory to almost everyone. So having a pot-luck bash is a great choice. If you want to increase guest participation, ask guests to bring their "favorite party food" plus the recipe. then after the bash, you can send out a thank-you email with all the recipes (or post the recipes here).

    The advantage to pot-luck parties is, of course, the greatly reduced cost (you provide non-alcoholic beverages, paper goods, plasticware, maybe a cake, and maybe one other dish of your own). Plus, people don't have to worry about what to get you: they're getting you party food. Simple!

    If you were in Texas, you'd get homemade chili, queso, and 7-layer dip.

    Then for party activities, I love having optional party games like Pictionary in one area, with another area for free-range mingling.

    I do, however, think you should reconsider the Karaoke decision in time for your 11th 39th birthday party -- by then, you move to "eccentric and charming" :)
