
Yesterday I heard a comment from a young mom with one baby: "I just don't understand when I see parents being rude to their kids."

Ah. . . I remember the days when I, too, couldn't understand the impatience and imperfection of the parents around me. I could respond gently and lovingly to my one year old practically all the time; why couldn't these other parents get their acts together?

Those fantasies of Perfect Motherhood began to unravel the day my 18 month old figured out her newborn sister wouldn't be leaving the premesis anytime soon. She also decided, that same day, that it was time to start practice being a Two Year Old, and the word "no!" and tantrums commenced. My sweet girl became more uncontrollable than she'd ever been.

The Uncontrollable factor has exploded exponentially since. And frankly, sometimes I don't respond all that well when things are not under my control.

Welcome to Motherhood: God's daily reminder that we are not in control.

At the height of the family craziness, when I still believed it was my job to singlehandedly fix my broken marriage and my kids' broken hearts, I was, to but it bluntly, Insane. I had it in my brain that if I could just control the people and circumstances around me, everything would be Hunky Dory.

Problem: I cannot control the people and circumstances around me. It wasn't for lack of trying, I can tell you that.

Someone said to me, "Krysta, there's a God, and you ain't Him. Let go, and let God."

I tried it, and you know what? It worked. God is so much better at ordering the details of my world than I am.

Because I know it's not my job to "make" my kids be a certain way, I'm a lot better at accepting them, and a lot calmer when doling out necessary consequences.

Not that I don't have my moments. But when I find myself beginning a Control Binge, I know what to do. Let go, and let God.


  1. I do believe this post deserves an "AMEN!"...how true...God IS a much better "fixer" then we could ever be...and how nice that we don't have to!
    Many Blessings!

  2. Oh my, I think this post may have been written for me as a way of preparing for children... if thats even possible :)

    I can completely see driving myself crazy trying to control things.

  3. You said it girl!!! I constantly think my children and their behavior reflects on me, and "oh my goodness, what will people say if I don't control that???" Ahem. yeah... that letting go thing? I struggle, but I am working on it!!

